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(Correct general config)
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In the following sections all options will be explained along with their constraints (if they have any).
In the following sections all options will be explained along with their constraints (if they have any).
This is not the only configuration! CQ-Repoured uses a lot of configs and not just a single file, check out this page for an overview of most of the config files: [[:Category:Configuration|Configuration]]
== General ==
== General ==
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|Resourcelocations have to be the ones of valid entities
|Resourcelocations have to be the ones of valid entities
|Value that defines additional entities in percent per additional player that spawn from a cqr spawner in a dungeon.
|Only takes effect when scaleEntitiesOnPlayerCount is set to true.
|Wether or not the amount of entities that spawn from a spawner should scale with the amount of players nearby.

Latest revision as of 01:44, 7 January 2022

The main configuration is the central configuration for CQR, it controls things like the global spawn rate of dungeons, health count of mobs, white and blacklists, and so on.

As of CQR v1.12.2-2.4.0B the file is located under minecraft/config/CQR/cqrepoured.cfg
In older versions of CQR the file is located under minecraft/config/cqrepoured.cfg

In the following sections all options will be explained along with their constraints (if they have any).


This is not the only configuration! CQ-Repoured uses a lot of configs and not just a single file, check out this page for an overview of most of the config files: Configuration


Most commonly used config options.

Option Data type Description Constraints
densityBehindWallFactor Double Describes the divisor of the dungeon distance behind The Wall. The dungeon distance behind the wall is calculated by this: ceil(dungeonSeparation / densityBehindWallFactor) Has to be at least 0.0 and at max 10.0
dungeonSpawnDistance Integer Describes the minimal distance between a world's spawnpoint and the the dungeons, measured in chunks. Has to be at least 1.
dungeonsInFlat Boolean Describes if dungeons may spawn in super flat worlds. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
enableSpeechBubbles Boolean Controls wether the mobs will show their speech bubbles when idling around, only takes effect on the client. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
hookOnlyPullsSmallerEntities Boolean If set to true, if a hook latches to an entity which's hitbox volume is greater than the one of the shooter, it will pull the shooter towards the entity. Otherwise the entity will be pulled towards the shooter. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
maxItemsPerLootChest Integer Defines the max rolls of a loottable, only takes effect if singleLootPoolPerLootTable is set to true. Has to be set to at least 1 and at max 27 and greater than minItemsPerLootChest
minItemsPerLootChest Integer Defines the min rolls of a loottable, only takes effect if singleLootPoolPerLootTable is set to true. Has to be set to at least 1 and at max 27 and lower than maxItemsPerLootChest
mobsFromCQSpawnerDontDespawn Boolean If set to true, all CQR mobs can't despawn. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
moreDungeonsBehindWall Boolean Controls wether or not the dungeon distance changes behind the wall. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
overallDungeonChance Integer Chance in percent for the mod to try to spawn a dungeon on a possible space. Has to be at least 0 and at max 100.
reinstallDefaultConfigs Boolean If set to true, the mod will reinstall the default configs, overriding the existant ones. Only takes effect on the next start. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
singleLootPoolPerLootTable Boolean Loot tables use the vanilla loot system. So for further information check the minecraft wiki (https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Loot_table)

With singleLootPoolPerLootTable enabled: It creates a single loot pool for each loot table. Then for every line of the .properties file it creates a new loot entry with chance=CHANCE and weight=CHANCE and adds it to the loot pool. It then makes between minItemsPerLootChest and maxItemsPerLootChest rolls. A roll means it checks the chance of every loot entry and then picks one of them depending on their weight.

chanceForItemToAppearInChest = ((maxRolls + minRolls) / 2) * (CHANCE / 100) * (numberOfEntries / (totalCHANCE / 100)) * (CHANCE / totalCHANCE)

With singleLootPoolPerLootTable disabled: For every line of the .properties file it creates a new loot pool. It also creates a loot entry with chance=CHANCE (and weight=CHANCE which probably doesn't matter here) and adds it to the loot pool. The loot pool is added to the loot table. It then checks the chance of every loot entry and adds the item to the chest.

chanceForItemToAppearInChest = (CHANCE / 100)

Has to be set to "true" or "false"
spawnerActivationDistance Integer Minimal distance between a player and a CQR spawner for the spawner to activate, measured in blocks. Has to be at least 0 and at max 100
entityFactionRelation List of ResourceLocation=Faction Allows you to assign a faction to a non-cqr mob. Factions are loaded during server startup/when loading a world and invalid entries here will print warnings in the log.
defaultInhabitantConfig List of List of Dungeon Inhabitant When a dungeon is generated without a Dungeon Inhabitant specified it will choose a list of Dungeon Inhabitants from config option depending on the distance to the spawn point. Then it selects a random Dungeon Inhabitant from that list and generates the dungeon.
electricFieldEffectSpreadRange Float Range in which the electric field effect can spread between entities.


Contains more abstract config options.

One should only touch or edit these options if one knows exactly what one's doing.

Option Data type Description Constraints
cacheStructureFiles Boolean Enable/Disable loading and caching of structure files during startup. Makes dungeon generation faster, only really takes effect on heavy load or slow hard disks. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
cachedStructureFilesMaxAmount Integer The maximum amount of files which will be cached. Has to be at least 1 and at max 16384
cachedStructureFilesMaxSize Integer Defines the cache capacity. Measured in kilobytes. Ram usage will be approximately X * 200 KB, this however may not be representative for your setup. Has to be at least 1 and at max 16384
checkAndUpdateDeprecatedStructureFiles Boolean Wether or not it should try to convert old structure files to the new format, only happens during the start of the game. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
enableMaxDamageCaps Boolean Wether or not the damage for mobs is capped. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
enableOldFactionMemberTeams Boolean Wether or not teams should be used to determine an entity's faction. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
enableSpecialFeatures Boolean Enables or disables some odd features, for example CQR mobs dealing 200% damage towards ice and fire mobs. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
flyingCowardPenaltyEnabled Boolean When enabled, and a entity that currently is airborne gets hit by a cqr lightning, it gets extra damage. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
flyingCowardPenaltyDamage Double Amount of extra damage a airborne entity receives from cqr lightnings. Has to be at least 1.0 and at max 1.7976931348623157E308
generationLimit Integer The amount of operations each dungeon is allowed to do each tick during generation. Has to be at least 1 and at max 1000000000
generationMinDistanceToOtherStructure Double Minimal distance between cqr structures and (vanilla) structures, measured in blocks. Has to be at least 0
generationRespectOtherStructures Boolean Enable/Disable checking for nearby vanilla structures before spawning a dungeon. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
generationRespectUnexploredStructures Boolean If the dungeon generation process should also respect non explored/generated (vanilla) structures. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
generationSpeed Integer The amount of milliseconds each dungeon is allowed to consume per tick during generation. A vanilla tick should be 50 milliseconds at most. Has to be at least 1 and at max 100
instantLightUpdates Boolean When disable all light updates are delayed until the dungeon is generated which is usually a lot faster. (When Phosphor is installed this has no effect and light updates are processed immediately). Has to be set to "true" or "false"
limitEntityRendering Boolean Only render the nearest 'limitEntityRenderingCount' amount of CQR entities. Bosses will be rendered normally. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
limitEntityRenderingCount Integer The maximum amount of entities that get rendered. Only takes effect when "limitEntityRendering" is enabled. Has to be at least 8 and at max 256
multithreadedDungeonPreparation Boolean Enable/Disable multithreaded dungeon preparation. When enabled the calculations to prepare a dungeon for generation are done on another thread. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
skipHiddenEntityRendering Boolean Skip rendering of entities that are behind blocks/not visible. Bosses will be rendered normally. This might cause issues where a mob is partly behind a block and thus does not get rendered but it's usually not really noticable. This setting has no effect when Entity Culling is installed. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
skipHiddenEntityRenderingDiff Integer It raytraces from the eyes of the player to the eyes of the mob and the other way around. Then it compares the positions that were hit and only renders the entity when no block was hit or the distance between both points is lower than this setting. This setting has no effect when Entity Culling is installed. Has to be at least 0 and at max 256
specialBlocks List of ResourceLocation Blocks which will be saved in an extra part when exporting a structure which otherwise might not be placed correctly. Resourcelocations have to be the ones of valid blocks
specialEntities List of ResourceLocation Entities which will be exported despite the ignore entities checkbox being checked. Resourcelocations have to be the ones of valid entities
entityCountGrowPerPlayer Double Value that defines additional entities in percent per additional player that spawn from a cqr spawner in a dungeon. Only takes effect when scaleEntitiesOnPlayerCount is set to true.
scaleEntitiesOnPlayerCount Boolean Wether or not the amount of entities that spawn from a spawner should scale with the amount of players nearby.


Basically contains config optiosn for the mob AI's, sort of.

Option Data type Description Constraints
blockCancelledByAxe Boolean Enables the axe & shield mechanic from vanilla for CQR mobs with a shield. So if you hit a cqr mob that currently blocks with a shield with an axe, it's shield will get disabled for a short amount of time. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
armorShattersOnMobs Boolean When enabled and a mob has no healing potions left, it's armor will begin to break when it looses health. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
enableHealthChangeOnDistance Boolean If set to true, the mobs will have more max health scaling with the distance to the world spawn. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
distanceDivisor Integer Every X blocks the mobs HP goes up by 10% of it's base health. Has to be at least 1 and at max 100000
mobTypeChangeDivisor Integer Every X blocks the DEFAULT inhabitant will choose the next mob in row, see Dungeon Inhabitant and Default Inhabitants for more. Has to be at least 1 and at max 100000
factionUpdateRadius Integer Radius of mobs around you when you kill a CQR mob. When you kill a mob, it will update your reputation towards all factions of mobs in that radius, see Category:Factions & Reputation for more. Set to 0 to disable this completely. Has to be at least 0 and at max 128
alertRadius Integer When you attack a mob, it will call for help. All mobs allied to the faction of your victim inside this radius will try to come to help. Set to 0 to disable this. Has to be at least 0 and at max 128
bossDamageReductionPerPlayer Double For every player after the first bosses will receive x percent less damage. bossDamageReduction = (1.0 - x) ^ (playerCount - 1). Has to be at least 0.0 and at max 0.5
dropDurabilityModalValue Double Affects durability of dropped items. Has to be at least 0.0 and at max 1.0
dropDurabilityStandardDeviation Double Affects durability of dropped items. Has to be at least 0.0 and at max 1.0
dropDurabilityMinimum Double Minimal durability for items that drop, measured in percent (100% = 1.0 = full durability, 0% = 0.0 = exactly 1 use left). Has to be at least 0.0 and at max 1.0. Has to be lower or equals to dropDurabilityMaximum
dropDurabilityMaximum Double Maximal durability for items that drop, measured in percent (100% = 1.0 = full durability, 0% = 0.0 = exactly 1 use left). Has to be at least 0.0 and at max 1.0. Has to be higher or equals to dropDurabilityMinimum
enableEntityStrafing Boolean Wether or not entities with ranged weapons are allowed to strafe like vanilla skeletons since minecraft 1.9. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
enableEntityStrafingBoss Boolean Wether or not entities with ranged weapons are allowed to strafe like vanilla skeletons since minecraft 1.9. Does only affect bosses. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
entityStrafingSpeed Double Only takes effect if enableEntityStrafing is set to true. Basically how fast the entity strafes. Has to be set to at least 0.0 and at max 1.0
entityStrafingSpeed Boss Double Only takes effect if enableEntityStrafingBoss is set to true. Basically how fast the entity strafes. Only affects bosses Has to be set to at least 0.0 and at max 1.0
looterAIChestSearchRange Integer Range of the Looter AI to detect chests. Has to be set to at least 2 and at max 64
looterAIStealableItems Integer Defines how many single items the Looter AI can steal from a single chest. Should be at least 1 and at max 1728
offhandPotionsAreSingleUse Boolean Wether or not entities with throwable potions can throw that potion only once. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
potionsInBagAreSingleUse Boolean Same as offhandPotionsAreSingleUse, but affects potions in the potion bag. Only affects entities, not players. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
enableDamageCapForNonBossMobs Boolean Wether or not the damage is capped for non-boss entities. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
maxUncappedDamageForNonBossMobs Float Any damage larger than this will get capped to this value. Only takes effect if enableDamageCapForNonBossMobs is set to true Has to be at least 0
maxUncappedDamageInMaxHPPercent Float Damage cap measured in percent of the mobs max HP. Has to be at least 0.0F and at max 1.0F

Base Healths

Literally contains the base healths for every CQR mob Self-explaining, just edit the file and be happy.


This contains options regarding some of the bosses, for example a whitelist for blocks the nether dragon can destroy.

Option Data type Description Constraints
antiCowardMode Boolean When enabled, one can't place down liquids in a radius of antiCowardRadius around a boss. It is meant to prevent cheesing the bosses. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
antiCowardRadius Integer Radius around a boss in which you can't place liquids when antiCowardMode is set to true. Has to be at least 0
enableHealthRegen Boolean When enabled, bosses will slowly regain health when they have nothing todo and have no target to attack. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
enableBossBars Boolean Wether or not the bossbars should be visible. Only takes effect after world or server restart. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
hotFireballsDestroyTerrain Boolean If [[Hot Fireball] destroys terrain on impact. If set to false, it will still explode, but won't cause damage to the terrain. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
armorForTheWalkerKing Boolean When enabled, newly spawned Walker Kings will receive armor, can make him quite a tank if this and harderWalkerKing are enabled. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
netherDragonDestroysBlocks Boolean Wether or not the Nether Dragon destroys blocks in his path. He can only destroy blocks that are listed in netherDragonBreakableBlocks. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
netherDragonStageTwoFireballInterval Integer Every X ticks the Nether Dragon will shoot a fireball when in stage two. Has to be at least 1
netherDragonStageTwoSegmentHP Integer Amount of health per segment of the Nether Dragon in stage two. Every time the damage you dealt to him exceeds this value, it will loose one segment. Has to be at least 1
netherDragonBreakableBlocks List of ResourceLocation All blocks that are destroyable by the Nether Dragon Resourcelocations have to be the ones of valid blocks
pirateCaptainFleeCheckRadius Double When the Pirate Captain is near dying he will try to teleport away to allies in this radius. Measured in blocks. Has to be at least 1.0
boarmageExplosionRayDestroysTerrain Boolean Wether or not the Boarmage's explosion ray attack destroys blocks. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
boarmageExplosionAreayDestroysTerrain Boolean Wether or not the Boarmage's explosion area attack destroys blocks. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
giantTortoiseHardBlocks List of ResourceLocation When the Giant Tortoise hits blocks in this list during it's spin attack, it will get stunned. Resourcelocations have to be the ones of valid blocks
giantSpiderMaxHealByBite Float When Shelob attacks an entity with melee attacks, it will heal this amount of health. Has to be at least 1F

Boss Damage Caps

All Bosses can have damage caps, here you can customize them.

Option Data type Description Constraints
enableDamageCapForBosses Boolean Wether or not the bosses have damage caps. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
maxDamageInPercentOfMaxHP Double Max damage in percent of the boss's max HP, for example if set to 10 and the boss has 200 max HP, the max damage will be 20. Has to be between 0 and 1
maxUncappedDamage Double If the dealt damage is below or equals to this value, it won't be capped. Has to be greater than 0


This config section contains all config optiosn regarding the The Wall.

Option Data type Description Constraints
distance Integer Chunk position of the wall measured in chunks, it is interpreted as negative offset on the Z axis from the spawn point as origin. Has to be at least 0 and at max 1000
enabled Boolean Wether the wall will spawn or not. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
mob ResourceLocation Defines the mob that will appear on top of the wall guarding it. Has to be a valid (living) entity
obsidianCore Boolean Wether or not the core of the wall is made out of obsidian. Has to be set to "true" or "false"
topY Integer Defines the Y coordinate of the walkable top of the wall. Has to be at least 80 and at max 240
towerDistance Integer Distance between each tower of the wall, measured in chunks. Has to be at least 0 and at max 10

Dungeon Protection

Here you find all available options for customizing the Protection System on a global scale.

Option Data type Description Constraints
enablePreventBlockBreaking Boolean When enabled players won't be allowed to break blocks in protected regions. There might be exceptions like blocks listed in protectionSystemBreakableBlockWhitelist or preventBlockBreaking being disabled in a dungeon configuration. It only takes effect if the option is enabled in the dungeon config of the dungeon too.
enablePreventBlockPlacing Boolean When enabled players won't be allowed to place blocks in protected regions. There might be exceptions like blocks listed in protectionSystemPlaceableBlockWhitelist or preventBlockPlacing being disabled in a dungeon configuration. It only takes effect if the option is enabled in the dungeon config of the dungeon too.
enablePreventEntitySpawning Boolean When enabled entities won't be allowed to naturally spawn in protected regions. There might be exceptions like preventEntitySpawning being disabled in a dungeon configuration. It only takes effect if the option is enabled in the dungeon config of the dungeon too.
enablePreventExplosionOther Boolean When enabled explosions won't be allowed to destroy blocks in protected regions. There might be exceptions like preventExplosionOther being disabled in a dungeon configuration. It only takes effect if the option is enabled in the dungeon config of the dungeon too.
enablePreventExplosionTNT Boolean When enabled tnt explosions won't be allowed to destroy blocks in protected regions. There might be exceptions like preventExplosionTNT being disabled in a dungeon configuration. It only takes effect if the option is enabled in the dungeon config of the dungeon too.
enablePreventFireSpreading Boolean When enabled fire won't be allowed to spread or destroy blocks in protected regions. There might be exceptions like preventFireSpreading being disabled in a dungeon configuration. It only takes effect if the option is enabled in the dungeon config of the dungeon too.
protectionSystemEnabled Boolean When disabled protected regions have no effect on the gameplay. Note: When disabled protected regions will still be created.
protectionSystemBreakableBlockWhitelist List of ResourceLocation Blocks which will be breakable despite being protected by the protection system.
protectionSystemBreakableMaterialWhitelist List of Material Blocks with a whitelisted material will be breakable despite being protected by the protection system.
protectionSystemPlaceableBlockWhitelist List of ResourceLocation Blocks which will be placeable at positions protected by the protection system.
protectionSystemPlaceableMaterialWhitelist List of Material Blocks with a whitelisted material will be placeable at positions protected by the protection system.


This contains constants for the armor and tool values, for example the sharpness values of the swords. This is self-explaining, look at the config files for the values and options.